Opening Hours - Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday 09:00 - 1300

Audi Car Club Insurance

The Audi Car Club Insurance Scheme rewards members of Audi Car Clubs with the offer of excellent premiums and policy cover to suit most Audi drivers requirements.

As part of the VAG (Volkswagen Audi Group), Audi's are built and designed to the highest standards and their qualities shine through on all their vehicles.

The Insurance Scheme offers;

  • significantly discounted premiums for Audi Car Club Members
  • a policy tailored to suit Audi Car Club Members requirements
  • an Audi Car Club liaison to assist your club with any insurance issues
  • a trained and knowledgeable backup team of staff

Through research and past experience we have found that car club members generally are more passionate about their vehicles and tend to be much more careful with them than many normal drivers. We have therefore managed to prove this to the insurance underwriters of this scheme and negotiated a special discounted rate for Audi Car Club Members.

If you are a member of a Audi Car Club that is affiliated to our Insurance Scheme, you will be entitled to these benefits. If your Car Club is not yet affiliated to our Scheme, see details below with regards to setting up an affiliation with your Audi Car Club.

Already affiliated to the Audi Car Club Insurance Scheme?

Check with your Car Club's moderator to see if your club is already affiliated with Safely Insured - if not, feel free to advise the moderator or organiser to contact us to discuss an affiliation.

Some of the Audi Car Clubs already enjoying the benefits of the scheme;

  • Audi TT Forum
  • Audi TT Owners Club

We have slowly and carefully developed this scheme over the past five years to make it as suitable as possible to Car Club Members and their requirements. Our reputation has grown and led to some of the UK's Premier Car Clubs selecting us as their official insurance provider and we are now in the pleasant position of being able to take on more Car Clubs for them to also enjoy the great benefits and premium discounts from the scheme.

How To Apply - for Audi Car Clubs

If you would like to be affiliated with our Car Club Scheme, please contact us by email or call with the following details;

  • Car Club name
  • Contact name
  • How long the club has been running
  • Number of members
  • Contact phone number or preferred email address

We are looking for well run, active Car Clubs with responsible members. We will contact you shortly to discuss setting up the affiliation.
