Opening Hours - Monday to Friday 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday 09:00 - 1300

Shop Insurance

Whether you own your own premises or rent them, Safely Insured can provide you with a policy to ensure that your business is covered if the worst should happen.

We know your livelihood depends on your business and we ensure that our policies offer the protection you need for your Shop Insurance requirements - making each policy specifically tailored towards this.

As standard all of our policies will cover you for the following:

  • Contents cover
  • Business Interruption
  • Public Liability
  • Products Liability
  • Employers Liability
  • Money cover including Personal Assault cover
  • Commercial Legal Expenses

You can opt to include additional covers such as:

  • Stock – including high risk stock items
  • Front of shop cover – glass, awnings and signs
  • Theft by employees
  • Loss of licence
  • Treatment cover

Our Shop Insurance specialists will be happy to discuss your requirements and assist you in finding the correct policy at a competitive price. You can rest assured that we will be their to assist you should you require our services in the event that you need to make a claim under your policy.

If you would like to discuss your Shop Insurance requirements with one of our team, they can be contacted directly on 03303 331 255. We also offer online Shop Insurance quotations by clicking on the 'Get a Quote Today' button on the right. Alternatively, you can 'Request A Call Back' by clicking the button below.