Young Drivers – The Statistics

Understandably, Young Drivers simply cannot wait to get out on the road. Some choose to have lessons and not practice outside of those lessons. Whereas others, choose to have driving lessons in addition to hours worth of practice in another vehicle.
At Safely Insured, we believe that the more practice you get, the more chance you have of passing your driving test. You can say goodbye to your green Provisional Licence and hello to your pink Full Licence.
Facts & Figures
We've compiled some data from a Statistical Release (July - September 2015) on the Government website. This data contains information regarding theory tests and practical driving tests.
- Car Theory Tests conducted: 510,013 (an increase of 16.5% from July - September 2014)
- Car Theory Tests passed: 255,908 (an increase of 12.2% from July - September 2014)
- Car Practical Tests conducted: 383,810 (an increase of 3.5% from July - September 2014)
- Car Practical Tests passed: 181,110 (an increase of 2.9% from July - September 2014)

This image is taken from the Government 'Statistical Release'
The report also went on to state that the 'peak age group' for driving tests within the UK is 17-20. One thing that is apparent from these figures is that more and more people want to be able to drive, especially young drivers. Both types of tests have quite clearly increased in popularity. Now this may be due to associated factors, such as the pricing of tests and the change in theory test questions. However, it may also be down to the sheer determination of people wanting to achieve their full licence holder status.
Young Drivers
As a Young Driver you'll go through all the motions; from being a learner driver and feeling a little anxious, to being a new driver. We understand that as well as it being an exciting time, it can also be a stressful time. Especially if you feel like you haven't had enough driving practice before your test. That is why developed our Learners Insurance cover, to make it easier to cover people who are learning to drive, in addition to people who have just passed their driving test.
Remember: If you're going to practice driving with your provisional licence, you must have an accompanying driver (who meets the accompanying driver criteria) with you at all times, in addition to having 'L plates' on the car.
Learner Driver Insurance
Because the more practice you get, the more chance you have of passing your driving test.
We offer both short-term and annual policies, designed to suit your needs and requirements. If you will be practising in someone else's car, our age restrictions are 17-40. If you will be practising in your own car, our age restrictions are 17-25. Both policies are comprehensive and more details can be found on our sister site: InsureLearnerDriver.
If you would rather an annual policy, where you can start to build up your No Claims Bonus (and in some cases we can swap it over to a full licence policy once you've passed your test) then visit our Young Drivers Insurance webpages or call our specialist Young Drivers Team on 03303331256.
Young Drivers Insurance
Because you'll still want to improve your driving ability where possible, in addition to improving your insurance premium.
For those who have just recently passed their driving test, we offer annual policies, with Black Box Insurance (otherwise known as Telematics). This helps measure your driving performance, giving the insurance company a more accurate representation of how you drive. This data can also be easily accessed by you. All you have to do is login via your own personal online dashboard. Black Box Car Insurance has been proven to effectively reduce the premiums of Young Drivers throughout the UK. It will only continue to do so in the future also.
So do you want to be a part of the statistic that does pass their driving test? If so, then make sure you get enough practice as possible to prepare for your driving test. For any further information in relation to the above, visit either the Safely Insured website or the InsureLearnerDriver website.