We raised over £165 for Noah`s Ark…

Noah`s Ark Children`s Hospice provides care and support for young people and their families. As their website explains: "Noah`s Ark Children`s Hospice is a community based hospice service providing support for children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions and their families in Central and North London."
Fundraising for Noah`s Ark
On Friday 18th March 2016 we held a fundraising day at the Safely Insured office in order to raise money for the charity. In addition to all the staff coming to work in `dress down` attire we also held a competition of `Guess Who`. Guess Who involved a number of us bringing baby pictures and others would have to guess who is who. There was prizes and laughter and the day was enjoyed by all. We raised over £165 and all of the proceeds are being donated to the Noah`s Ark Children`s Hospice.
Here`s some pictures from the competition:

We regularly raise money for this charity. Check out our last fundraising event for them, whereby the majority of us came to work in fancy dress: Fancy dress fundraising event for Noah`s Ark Children`s Hospice
If you would like to know about the charity, please visit the Noah`s Ark Children`s Hospice website.