8 reasons why Temporary Car Insurance may benefit you at Christmas!

It's Christmas time - a season where Temporary Car Insurance can be handier than ever before. With family and friends travelling here, there and everywhere to visit loved ones, there's bound to be someone that needs to drive someone else's car, or maybe someone got a little too happy with the sherry, therefore someone else needs to do the drive home?
Well, whatever the reason may be, we're here to help. Within our help, we provide the Temporary Car Insurance, but we also want to give you some scenarios where it would really come in helpful, so should you find yourself in one of them, you know what to do!
What is Temporary Car Insurance?
Temporary Car Insurance is simple and easy to purchase. It enables you to go about your everyday life, without the interruption of the 'designated driver'. We've put together some of the key points some of our policies offer:
- Cover for drivers aged between 19-75
- Comprehensive cover from 1-28 days
- Short-term Learner Drivers cover for those aged 17+
- Obtain a quote within 5 questions
- Obtain instant online cover (once completed the purchase process)
We've gathered all the information you'll need for a quote on our comparison tool. Visit our Temporary Car Insurance page for further details.
Let's give you a scenario (or 8) ...
We've established that Temporary Car Insurance is a great solution for your short-term insurance needs. Now, we should really think about what some of those short-term needs are... Have you ever been in a situation where you've needed to borrow someone's car? Or someone's needed to borrow yours? Here is a list of scenarios whereby either of those situations could arise over this festive season:
- You're planning on visiting a loved one but don't have a car, so need to borrow someone else's.
- Someone had a little bit too much to drink, therefore someone else will need to drive them home.
- You need to pick up your sister, (who's been travelling around the world all year), from the airport but the Turkey needs to be taken out of the oven in 20 minutes - someone else will need to pick her up in your car.
- Your mother-in-law needs picking up from her work Christmas party now but your car won't start - is it worth that glare over the dinner table for the rest of the holidays? You had better ask to borrow another car.
- The 'designated driver' has come down with a cold and cannot drive as they are so sleepy and feeling unwell. Who will drive them home?
- A family member is coming to stay with you from abroad however they don't have a hire car, and they want to borrow yours - you'll need to get some Temporary Car Insurance in place first.
- There's a 17-year-old in the family and they've just started to learn to drive. They have been bugging you to take them out in the car and let them practice, as it’s Christmas, you finally give in - that's where temporary learner driver insurance comes in handy.
- Your 72-year-old grandmother still has her driving licence but sold her car to help fund her newly purchased yacht in Spain. Can she drive your car whilst she's over visiting for Christmas? With Temporary Car Insurance, she can...
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? Or do they sound like scenarios which would likely occur in your household? At least one of them has happened to the majority of us - let's face it. Don't get caught out this Christmas - your options aren't as limited as you think.
Be sure to check out our Temporary Car Insurance page for further information, our terms and condition, and online quotes.
And on that note, we wish you a Very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.