Track Days in bad weather – what should you do?

A track can be difficult to manoeuvre around when it's raining, and unfortunately, it's that time of year when your just never quite sure if it will rain. You'll wake up on a sunny morning and by lunchtime, the Sky has turned grey and the rain has started falling.
That's why we thought it would be the perfect time to talk you through what you should and shouldn't be doing on a track in the rain...
What should you do?
Look around you - the dry patches of the track will give you more grip.
Look for the flag warnings - if you ignore a warning by one of the marshal's, you could be putting yourself, as well as others, in danger.
Use your peripheral vision - vision is reduced in the rain, particularly when you're going fast. It's good to note key areas, such as signs / the space between the red and white lines on the track. This will help you define when and where to brake.
Be aware - of other drivers around you and how much braking distance you have.
What shouldn't you do?
Don’t take the corners too 'circular' – you should take the corners slower, in a more defined ‘square’ shape, and with a wider motion. 'Squaring off the corners' and focusing on the straights, is important when it's wet. This way you’ll stay in control and still pick up the pace in a safe place to do so – the straights.
Don’t create a bumpy ride – you'll want to 'squeeze' the pedals with your feet, as opposed to slamming them down. You lose grip when it's wet - it's best to play it safe.
Avoid aquaplaning (if possible) – this happens when a car's tyres tread can't get through the standing water quick enough to gain grip. This will result in the car 'skimming' across the top of the water, also known as Aquaplaning.
Don't forget to get insurance - racing a car around the track isn't the same as driving a car on the road. You'll want to get specialist insurance (Track Day Insurance) to ensure that the car is covered, should anything happen to it out on the track.
Track Day Insurance
For any car enthusiast, there are very few things that compare to putting a car through its paces. Organised 'Track Days' are very popular, but this type of usage of your vehicle is not usually covered under your standard Car Insurance policy. At Safely Insured, we provide specialist Track Day Insurance cover. For any further information regarding track days or Track Day Insurance be sure to visit the Safely Insured website.