Tips to Improve Your Black Box Driving Score

Have you heard of a Black Box Driving Score? As well as being specialists in modified and performance car insurance, Safely Insured also has a Black Box insurance scheme for young drivers.
The Safely Insured Black Box scheme is designed specifically for young drivers who want to drive safe and save money on their insurance premium.
Click here to find out more about our Black Box policies.

For those who already have a Black Box policy with us, we wanted to highlight the importance of maintaining a good driving score.
Here’s a few driving hacks for those who want to improve their driving score, as well as their overall driving skills.
Check Your Black Box Driving Score Regularly
It may seem simple, but some drivers who have a low black box driving score aren’t even aware of it because they don’t check their dashboard.
It always helps to check your score regularly. You can then pinpoint trips where your scores dipped down. This helps to identify the errors you need to avoid.
Remember, the Black Box dashboard is available online, so you have no excuse! A better driving score means you’re more likely to save money on your next renewal, so get checking!

Improving Your Speed Score
There could be several factors to why your score for speed is dipping. It’s a common misconception that the speed limit is a target and not a maximum speed you can go.
It is somewhat easy to get distracted when you’re behind the wheel - some might call it being on autopilot. This means you could end up speeding and not even know it.
The solution is to get into the habit of keeping an eye on your speed. Also remember to take in your surroundings for how fast to travel.
Another tip is to always check your speed after travelling at a high speed (60mph and above) since you might feel you’re travelling slower than you are.
Improving Your Braking Score
Driving can be unpredictable at times and you may have to brake suddenly – we get that, but this shouldn’t be happening regularly.
A low braking score could show that you aren’t giving yourself enough time to prepare for upcoming hazards. You can combat this by keeping a safe distance from other cars. You need to give yourself enough reaction time if the car in front of you decides to brake suddenly.
When you scan ahead and see a roundabout or junction, you should decrease acceleration and allow the car to slow naturally. This will also help to improve your braking score.

Improving Your Acceleration Score
The key to keeping a good acceleration score is allowing yourself to have enough time to move safely, whether that’s entering a roundabout, overtaking, or exiting a slip road. This means you must start your observations early to avoid speeding up to avoid other road users.
Get in Contact with Us

If you have any issues with your driving score, you can speak with our young driver team who will be able to pinpoint what exactly is going wrong and what you can do to rectify it.
Our young drivers team prioritise helping you achieve a better driving score and becoming a safer driver. Additionally, the potential reduction of your premium is also a cheeky bonus.
Call 03303 331 256 to get into contact with us today!
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