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New driving laws that you’ll need to know in 2020

Author: Tina Playle
Created On: Updated On:

Not only is it the start of a new year, but it’s also the start of a new decade, which means some driving laws are set to change.

We’ve highlighted the main changes that you’ll need to be aware of going into 2020.

Low emission rules

Back in April 2019, a new Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) was introduced to help improve air quality in London. This means that most vehicles, including cars and vans, need to meet the ULEZ  standards or pay a daily charge to drive within the zone.

In 2020, other cities around the country may follow suit. Birmingham will be introducing a similar scheme, with Bristol, Cambridge, Cardiff, Derby, Newcastle and Edinburgh watching closely for the results.

This ban may affect diesel cars more than anyone.

Driving in the EU

In the result of a no-deal Brexit, Government guidance points to purchasing an international permit for driving in the EU as a visitor. These will cost £5.50 and will be available to purchase from the Post Office.

You’ll also need a motor insurance green card when driving your own car in the EU and EEA.

We do provide a short-term insurance product with green card cover, click here to find out more.

The EU flag in front of a blue sky

If you're planning on driving in the EU after Brexit, double check the new requirements.

Mandatory intelligent speed assist

Something to stay aware of is the intelligent speed assist which will become mandatory for the safety of new cars from 2022. This will be under the EU’s revised general safety regulation to minimise road collisions.

Car tax

Most drivers have probably already seen their vehicle excise duty bill go up by £5 with inflation. However, owners of high emission cars can be charged up to an additional £15. Diesel car owners, whose vehicle fail to meet the new mandatory RDE2 emissions standard, will carry on paying higher taxes.

Graduated driving licences

Newly qualified drivers could also be faced with changes as the government are considering bringing in a graduated licence. This may focus on issues such as: curfews, passenger limits, speed, engine sizes, mandatory P plates and lower alcohol limits.

Overtaking cyclists

A manoeuvre labelled the “Dutch Reach” may be encouraged when opening car doors. This is when you use the hand furthest away from the car door to open it which allows you to look out of the window to check for any passing cyclists before doing so.

Drivers will also be encouraged to give way to cyclists and pedestrians when turning left in order to provide clarity to the current Highway code rules.

It’s always good to keep an eye on up and coming changes to any driving laws in order to avoid any nasty surprises, especially if you're a new driver.

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