Customer Car Gallery: Chris` Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T

Chris has owned his Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T for 9.5 years. He initially purchased the car as standard - it was silver. After having the car for a few years, leaving it as it was, he decided it was time to give the car a transformation. His first step was to replicate the paint job from: The Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift. As of that point in time, the Skyline was only ever going to be in for treat after treat.
Want to know more? Let's find out what happened to the R33 and just how much work has gone into modifying it into the showstopper it is today!
Oh, and yes, incase you're wondering how a car like this gets insured... Chris' Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T is insured with us here at Safely Insured, under our Modified Car Insurance scheme. This scheme has many advantages including the options for: 'like for like' modifications cover and agreed value policies. But anyway, back to the car...
Chris and his passion for cars...
I grew up on a farm. This meant that I had my first car at just 8 years old (as I drove around on farm-land which is private property)! It was a 1976 Mini Clubman. As soon as I'd realised what the 'car life' was all about I then went on to having many different cars throughout the years. I started modifying cars when I was only 14. It's something I've always enjoyed and will continue to do so.
My current work involves me fitting windows but I used to paint cars for a living - that was fun!
What's your all-time favourite car?
I have always, always, always, loved Nissan Skylines for quite literally as far back as I can remember. However, I was also into the old-school Mini's and Escorts up to the age of 15. I suppose my absolute dream car would have to be the R34 GTR (nur spec or z-tune).
So, my ultimate car (if money was no option) would be the R34 GTR Z-Tune. Not only are they quite rare, and practically mark the end of an era, I just love them - always have!
Nissan Skyline R33 GTS-T

How has the Skyline transformed, from when you initially purchased it, to now?
As well as the paint job, the power of the car has increased from the standard power of 250bhp to over 400bhp. This was made easier to achieve by adding a few modifications. These modifications consisted of: an ECU modification, bigger turbo, airflow meter, inlet plenum, front mounted intercooler, and a full 3¼ inch Japspeed exhaust.
Did you attend any car shows in 2016? And do you plan to attend any in 2017?
I attended just about every car show in the North Yorkshire area this year. As well as a few up north in the Tyneside area.
In 2017, I plan to take my car to as many shows as I can (just like I try and do every year). This is all dependent on other commitments however. I also attend 'Comic Con' events and 'Fast and Furious' events with the car.
Has your car ever been featured in any magazines / online forums?
Yes, I have had a 4-page feature in 'Total Nissan Magazine', this was a few years back now but still proud of this. I also had half a page in Banzai Magazine.
The 2014 England World Cup video 'Hopes of a thousand men' also featured my car within it (I was extremely happy about this).
Do you plan to add any further modifications to the car?
To be honest, I plan to add a lot more modifications to the car, in addition to adding new features and changing existing ones. Modifying a car is an addiction and once you get started, you are quite simply - hooked! But, I wouldn't have it any other way...
We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Chris for taking the time out of his schedule to speak with us regarding his passion for cars, and his R33. Do you want to see more pictures of his car? Then we would be quite happy to help with that - all you have to do is pop over to our Customers Car Gallery.
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