Which car events are you attending throughout the remainder of 2018?

With Spring, follows Summer and these are fantastic seasons for car events. Not only do people go to them to exhibit, they also go to admire all of the other cars on display. Whether you go to admire, exhibit, or both, you'll understand the buzz of getting up early to spend the day at a car show!
With the season well and truly underway, we're taking this time to look ahead at the events that are still to come. And this got us thinking. What events do we think will be the popular choice amongst car enthusiasts? That's why we've created a list of most of the remaining events in 2018, so we can ask you instead.
List of car events in 2018...
Let us know which events you'll be attending throughout the remainder of 2018. It will be interesting to see which event(s) are set to be extremely popular...
You can select more than one event from the list.
Created with Quiz Maker
Customer Car Day 2018
For those of you who haven't got anything planned for Sunday 16th September, and you're a customer of ours... why not come along to the Safely Insured 'Customer Car Day 2018' event?
It's set to be a fun day for our customers to attend, show off their cars, chat with like-minded individuals, and speak with some of our expert team. There will be music, refreshments, cake, and lots of beautifully modified / high-performance cars!
Find out how to register your interest for the event in our recent blog: The Big Announcement: Customer Car Day 2018
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