Customer Car Gallery: Lauren’s Audi A3

Our Customer Car Gallery is all about recognising just how much our customers cars mean to them. Some of them are extensively modified, some are not. Whatever the case, if you're a car enthusiast you'll understand.
In this feature, we're going to be talking about Lauren's Audi A3. It has a 2.0 litre TDi engine and is her pride and joy. Let's look at some of the mods and find out why this car is so special to her...
Lauren's Audi A3
Lauren's Audi A3 has been lowered on coilovers. It's also got tinted windows and Audi Rotor alloys. The black and red leather interior looks very smart too.
Lauren first became interested in cars whilst growing up with her brothers. She learnt a lot in terms of mechanics, from listening, watching, and helping where possible. Since she passed her driving test and met her partner who shares the same passion for cars, she's always wanted to modify cars to truly make them her own.
We asked her what she loved most about her Audi A3. Here's what she had to say:
"What I love most about my car is the look. It's a pretty car, but also a relatively mean looking car at the same time. It catches people's eye and turns their head - I love that."
Check out the next section of the article for some pictures of the Audi A3...
Customer Car Gallery

Safely Insured
Safely Insured are specialists when it comes to insuring modified and performance cars. Modified Car Insurance differs to standard car insurance. It requires an insurance specialist with knowledge of the technicalities of car modifications and specifications of parts.
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- Like-for-like Modifications Cover
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For further information, visit our Modified Car Insurance or our Performance Car Insurance webpages.
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