The Truth About The Biggest Black Box Myths

Through the introduction of Telematics technology otherwise known as the “Black Box”, young drivers are opting into taking control of their renewal prices by actively proving they’re not trying to be the next Lewis Hamilton.
They’re calling it the “Black Box Revolution”. Instead of paying extortionate insurance premiums for other driver’s mistakes and accidents, your driving is assessed, and a renewal price will be generated from that data.
With the Safely Insured ‘Black Box Insurance Policy’, you could potentially have a renewal price that comes in at half the price of your first years.
However, in the past, drivers have shied away from these types of policies (due to many myths and rumours about this elusive piece of technology). Are any of these popular black box myths even true?
Black Box Myth #1: Big Brother is watching you

The most popular myth about Black Box insurance is that it is a way for insurance companies to spy on you like an overprotective parent, making sure you’re not misbehaving.
Yes, a Black Box monitors your driving performance. There’s no doubt about that. But companies like Safely Insured do this so they can offer tips and advice on how to improve your performance and become a safer driver.
Your premium will be directly affected in relation to your driving performance and how risky (or safe) a driver you are.
Safely Insured pledges not to share your data with any third party companies, so your late night trip to McDonalds can remain just between you and them.
Black Box Myth #2: You can’t drive late at night

Some young drivers are sceptical towards a Black Box policy because they believe that they can't drive past a certain time.
The truth is that some policies do exclude late night driving; however, Safely Insured’s Black Box Insurance does not have a curfew.
But you do have to keep in mind that there is a greater risk when driving late at night, so if you do it consistently your overall driving score may be affected.
Black Box Myth #3: Speeding is reported to the police

Some believe that Insurers are out to get them with every mistake they make, including if their data shows that they’ve been speeding.
Safely Insured doesn’t inform the authorities of your data unless specifically required to for a serious incident.
So, if their Telematics picks up that you have been speeding, although this may affect your score, you don’t need to worry about them reporting it to the police.
Although, remember, there is no good excuse for speeding!
Black Box Myth #4: The Black Box will interfere with your cars functions

A widespread rumour about Black Boxes is that they interfere with your cars other functions, such as: your car radio or other electric devices.
The only thing a Black Box requires is a small amount of electricity, like a car radio or sat-nav, so it is highly unlikely that it will affect any of your cars functions.
If you do have any concerns about your black box once it’s installed, our team is on hand to help.
Black Box Myth #5: As soon as I make a mistake, it’ll affect my driving score

Some believe that if you make a mistake or two whilst driving that it lowers your driving score immediately, shattering those dreams of a lower premium at renewal.
A Safely Insured Black Box Policy assess you on an average basis. This means that they will assess your speed, braking, acceleration, mileage, and if there are any abnormalities in repeated behaviour, then they will contact you to coach you through it, so you can take charge of your score.
So, if you do have to brake hard in an emergency for some baby ducklings, rest assured, you won’t be penalised (unless you seem to be in that situation on a regular basis).
A Little More About Safely Insured Black Box Policies...
An increasing number of young drivers are becoming open minded towards using Telematics to improve their own driving habits. In fact, the number of telematics-based policies almost reached one million in 2017.
These policies offer a great incentive to reduce the price of your renewal premium, meaning that drivers who have them, take extra care with their driving. It’s even been found that there is a 40% drop of crash risk for these drivers!
Even if you’re not a young driver, Telematics and Black Boxes may be the future of the automotive industry.
So, if you’re a young driver and you’re interested in a Safely Insured Black Box policy, you can now find out how much it would cost you in just 30 seconds!
Head on over to the Safely Insured website to find out more or check out their social media for more information!
To read about more perks of our Black Box Insurance Policies, please see our other articles below:
The Perks of Having a Safely Insured Black Box Policy
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